Marketing Strategies for Your Cannabis Dispensary App That You Should Start Using!
Posted by: Nikki Tabberrah
October 17, 2022
The cannabis dispensary business is currently a multi-billion industry. Providing up to 321,000 jobs and with a steadily growing consumer population, cannabis dispensary business owners are poised to grow in the next few years.
While the cannabis dispensary industry is booming, it is still undeniable that business owners face a challenge on how to market their products without causing a ruckus especially online. Some might think that with America loosening its grip on the use of cannabis, it is becoming socially acceptable, yet some people still view the entire industry as taboo.
With that being said, if you are a cannabis dispensary business owner and have taken our advice to develop an app for your business, we are also here to share with you secrets on how to make your marketing approach standout with out-of-the-box strategies that you can tailor to your business’ branding.
Red tape has always been at the backs of cannabis dispensary owners like you. But with the evolution of our online landscape, there are workarounds on how you can still make your brand seen. We have rounded up a mix of current marketing trends as well as strategies that have been proven to be timeless yet effective for niche businesses and for enterprises that have been around for a long time.
Invest in SEO marketing
SEO increases your brand’s presence online. Google, Safari, Yahoo, and Bing are some examples of search engines. You might be wondering what these guys have to do with your business well, 93% of online experience starts with a search engine. Whenever you or a customer needs something, simple keywords like “cannabis dispensary mobile applications” can bring your business to the top of the search results page. With this, potential customers can easily discover your business by only using a series of keywords.
Here are some SEO tips to get you started:
- Website - assign one target keyword per page to avoid cannibalizing your SEO gains. The key is to find and evaluate the right keywords that can give you the most traffic. Investing in SEO may mean outsourcing the job to SEO specialists or doing it all on your own by using tools like Ahrefs or Google’s keyword planner tool.
- Google MyBusiness - make sure your users can find you on search by ensuring that your Google MyBusiness page is optimized with content. Ensure all relevant data such as hours, photos and reviews are updated and the page is kept active at all times.
- Blog - Google likes to suggest the most useful and relevant online content it can find. So keep your website consistently updated with quality resources or blog content. You can incorporate commonly searched keywords into the article and repeat them in other blogs for better reinforcement. It’s like a lottery — wherein the more entries or published keywords you have, the more chances of your site ranking up to the top.
- Build Links - link building is one of the most effective ways to encourage traffic to your brand’s website and pages. Google looks at your site’s domain authority or online credibility before suggesting your site for certain keywords. Make all efforts to increase your site’s domain authority by pitching your published blogs to other high-traffic sites and encouraging them to link back to you.
Maximize the network of your current customers
When we say to maximize the network of your current customers, we mean to build a strong loyalty program that also encourages receiving benefits whenever your current roster of customers refers a friend. It is highly likely that one customer has friends that also use or plan to use some of your products. Give those who continue to patronize and bring in new customers rewards to further encourage them to choose your brand and products.
Invest in data by using KPIs and tracking sales and marketing movement
Success is not just limited to the number of sales that you get in a month, quarter or year. Sales are driven by both organic and paid performance of your marketing strategy. Now that your business is online, you should also assess your marketing strategies and how your website and apps perform.
Brands utilize analytical tools like Google Analytics to get the job done but multinational companies also invest in more heavy-duty tools. There are many paid services and tools available at your disposal to help you analyze and easier understand the performance of your brand so you can get visualization on how to improve your online tactics. By understanding the overall performance of your brand, you can assess and strategize your brand’s direction for the month, quarter, or year. You can also predict downtrends and the inclination of sales and performance with these tools.
Seek out experts in social media marketing
There is a novelty in building your business from the ground up. The hard work, time, and energy you have put into your cannabis dispensary business have brought it to where it is today. While there are business owners who want to make sure they are on top of everything from sales to marketing, there are areas of the business where you need to partner with a professional. In line with this, social media marketing is not everyone’s strong suit and that’s okay!
The cannabis dispensary industry, albeit being one of the fastest-growing enterprises, is still shackled by generations of taboos and sometimes, marketing your product and brand is a challenge due to compliance issues. With this kind of problem, it is best to onboard experts that can help you customize your marketing approach that is more appropriate to an online audience that has always frowned upon the topic of cannabis. Educating and carefully mapping out a marketing plan up to a content calendar can be quite a challenge but if you have the right person in your team, your online activity can be your ammo in further driving your business to succeed.
Aside from seeking support from experts who can help you navigate the world of social media, you can start by exploring organic strategies through frictionless platforms, collaborating with influencers and leveraging on interesting angles to promote your biz.
Put a premium on product education
One of the best approaches to help the online audience adjust to your products and services is to make sure you are giving them a guided journey in what your cannabis dispensary business offers. There are some businessmen who only value the dollars they make in a month but as a responsible entrepreneur, knowing that what your business offers is not yet fully accepted as a norm, you should provide a space in educating customers, especially the bystanders.
Truly, not all those who come across your ad or product listing will be encouraged to check out your page. There is even a high probability that your page will get reported – this is avoidable. Whether it is offline or online advertising, your publicity materials should include simple-to-understand text and your audience should be able to take at least one good thing from it.
As a cannabis dispensary business owner, you are an advocate for normalizing the use of your product. Partner with supporters and find ways how you can educate a community on the benefits of using cannabis and what you, as a business owner, are doing to ensure the safe use and trade of the product.
We hope that you have learned a lot about how to improve or strategize your cannabis dispensary app’s online presence after reading this article. With the ever-changing online landscape, marketing strategies continue to evolve and change from time to time. Currently, the five we have mentioned in this article continue to be the most effective practices across industries bringing in traffic and translating them into sales.
As a partner in growing your business, we are always on the lookout for new strategies as well as studies on how you can carve your business’ path to success. If you want to learn more about how you can monetize your cannabis dispensary app or improve your business, we definitely have a lot of materials you can learn from. Should you take a strategy or five from this article, we would love to hear how it worked for your business!
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